Name: Molly Hayes Alias: Princess Powerful (Call her Bruiser and you'll find out what she did to Punisher the hard way) Role: Titan Brief Bio: Molly was born in in 2004, to a doctor and a speech pathologist. Her life was pretty normal, except that every year, around the same time, her parents would take her on trips to go meet with a bunch of other adult couples who also had children. Even though Molly and the other five only saw each other once a year, they became close. One year at the annual meeting of their parents, the six kids overheard their parents conspiring to sacrifice a young girl. Horrified, they couldn't stand by and watch, and after they confronted their parents about it, they were told the girl was going to be sacrificed to bring about a new world order, and that the twelve adults were doing it to give their children a better world to live in. The teens and Molly all ran away, after one of the oldest, a Japanese girl named Nico Minoru, was stabbed in the chest by her mother with a strange-looking staff. Nico absorbed the staff, and gained magic powers. One of the others, a blond girl named Karolina Dean, discovered she actually belonged to an alien race known as the Majesdanians, and found out she could become an entity of iridescent rainbow light, fly, and project energy. Molly discovered that both her parents were mutants, and her own latent X-gene surfaced, granting her super strength. After fighting their way out of their parents' grasp successfully, Molly passed out from the use of her powers. The next thing she remembers is waking up in a strange house, with Nico, Karolina, and the others, a black boy named Alex Wilder, a blond, surfer-looking kid named Chase Stein, and a girl with awesome purple hair and thick glasses named Gertrude Yorkes. Molly's immediately wanted to go home, and became indignant when Nico told her she couldn't. Nico and the others explained that her parents were evil, that all of their parents were, and that she was much safer with them. Molly took this to mean that there were no more rules, and saw the entire ordeal as a great adventure waiting to happen. After staying under the radar with the Runaways (mostly), punching out The Punisher, and being thrown back in time after a fateful meeting with the Kingpin and subsequently returning, Molly ended up separated from her friends. She was snatched up by the Provost, a seedy man with a number of ill-gotten magical artifacts who employed children to steal for him. Molly organized the other kids to overpower Provost and use his own magic against him to turn him to stone, and headed out in search of her friends. Before she could find them, she was found by Emma Frost, who attempted to recruit her to join the X-men, but due to her complete disregard for authority and hatred of adults, Molly fought the X-men tooth and nail, although she did develop a crush on Wolverine, much to his chagrin. Eventually she ran away from the X-men as well, and Emma, not sharing Professor Xavier's philosophy that all mutants should be allowed to make their own decisions as to their allegiances, began organizing a search for the rogue child mutant, determined to get her back in the capable hands of the Institute. Molly had different plans, however. She struck out on her own, under the alias of Princess Powerful, operating as a solo vigilante since she had no way to contact her fellow Runaways. Eventually, Infinity, Inc took notice of this small but powerful new hero, and approached her. After discovering that they had no adult supervision and confessing that she was getting lonely fighting bad guys all by herself, she agreed to join. Upon joining, she reunited with three of her old friends. Nico, Karolina, and Chase had all joined Infinity, Inc as well. But it was bittersweet. She discovered that Gert had been killed saving Chase's life, and that Alex had betrayed them and was also dead. Tempered though her elation was, Molly hadn't felt happier in a long time. She was finally home again. Abilities: Super strength: Able to lift up to 100 tons, and can apparently violate dimensional barriers, having ripped of Cloak's cloak, which is part of his body and usually renders him intangible. This is theoretically because her powers are psionic in nature, which may hint at potentially greater power as she ages and her abilities develop. Invulnerability: Molly seems to have some degree of invulnerability when her powers are active, but due to her powers being very draining, this is somewhat limited. Molly's powers, which may in fact be psionic in nature, are very draining, causing her to become exhausted and fall asleep after short but intense bursts, and at least rest after longer-term moderate use, and unless she activates them, she's basically a normal, if spirited, 11-year-old. Personality: Molly is optimistic to a fault, even naive sometimes, but she is surprisingly street smart for an 11-year-old. She's also prone to mood shifts, sometimes at the drop of a hat, but she's generally a cheery, boisterous girl. In a lot of ways, she's still very innocent, and rarely considers the consequences of her actions. She is also very morally black and white, at least according to her own preconceived notions, but her opinion of you matters more than those of others, sometimes to the point of exclusion. Even after her parents were revealed to be supervillains bent on summoning extradimensional entities who would cause the extinction of all life on the planet, she still wanted to go home and be with them after she had been on the run for awhile. When she finally realized just how bad the Pride was, she settled on the opinion that all adults are evil. She's a big fan of the mutant Dazzler's music, and she sleeps with a [url=]Doop[/url] plush doll. Molly also loves sleep. Even if she didn't have to sleep because her powers are so draining, she'd probably stay in bed all week. Appearance: [img][/img] Costume: [img][/img] Her eyes glow a purplish color when she uses her power, suggesting that it may be psionic in nature. She's about 4'11", and 95 pounds, Affliation: Infinity, Inc. (They're the only team that doesn't have to deal with dumb grown ups!), Nico Minoru, Chase Stein, and Karolina Dean (mentors and close friends), Wolverine (love interest) Other: Molly having made enemies of the Punisher (which, admittedly, isn't difficult) and having the X-men pursue her is going to cause all kinds of interesting complications... Also, I hope it's alright that I made the surviving Runaways members of Infinity, Inc as well. It seems a better fit than any of the other teams.