Ignorance was bliss, she ignored every scene that happened around her, she was too tired to care this morning. Delilah pushed open the doors of the cafe, a small bell jingled as she made her way inside. The girl would always have her breakfasts here, another small part to her daily routine. She was well rounded with most of the people that lived here since the town was so small, and she assumed that most knew her as well, her name at least. The girl ordered her usual; a bagel with cream cheese and black coffee. As she waited, she pulled out her papers and scattered them over the table of the booth she chose to sit in. Thus began her slow descent into frustration. Since Delilah hadn't really worked on her new material, and because of this her deadline was at stake. She placed her head in the table and let out a long sigh as her breakfast was served to her, the waiter appeared to be rather confused with Delilah's actions, but he didn't bother on asking, and left her to sulk in her defeat. Her fingers slipped through the mug's handle and pulled the coffee cup close as she sat up to take a sip.