Mal shook the rain off his umbrella as he stepped into the porch of the small church. He felt strangely out of place, as if he were a young child again. He hadn't been to church for what, 12 years? more? He patted the gun at his side. Strange how quickly it had become familiar- strange how much reassurance it provided. He wasn't nervous. This type of call-out... there'd been enough false leads that he shouldn't regard it as anything other than routine. There was nothing to be nervous about. Whatever they were looking for, it was long gone by now. They were here to investigate, find clues, consolidate information. He wasn't nervous. "The moment is here.... O-our time is now." Mal nodded at the weak little attempt at a speech. He should try to reinforce Varinna's authority; what little she had. Someone like her... he couldn't see her as a natural leader in any way. There didn't seem to be a better option though, or any pressing need for one. Best to let things lie. Mal followed the others into the church, leaving his umbrella propped against the doorway first. He saw David grab Varinna's arm- then saw her gun out and immediatly went for his own in a confident but unpractised motion. "What the hell!?" David whispered, "It could be some random innocent person!" "V, we don't even know who that is." Elli said. "Let's not jump the gun here... literally. Besides, this is a sacred place, and I'm sure none of us would enjoy knowing we let you kill an innocent man. Should we talk to him or...?" Mal made himself breathe out. "Stay ready V. Could still be trouble." he said, aim steady on the bloody figure. "Amis, David- keep an eye out the door?" Mal stepped slowly past Elli, floating in an icy clarity. The gun felt like paper in his hands. The ground was slightly sticky. Was there that much blood? He hadn't seen. He called out, his voice flat, and distant. "Don't move. Don't try anything. We're armed. If you answer our questions, we can help you."