In the back of the large truck, a young woman sat. Her hands were shackled together before her, and their gold color matched the monstrosity of a collar around her neck. Many times she had been told by various SHIELD operatives, that it was a good thing they had that technology now. Asguardian, they had called it, but the young woman had never seen anything like it. Entirely gold, the thing circled her neck and ring after ring of metal stacked on top of one another until it reached just below her nose. The thing clutched tightly to the young woman's neck and made speaking impossible, but Kelisandra would never have tried to speak anyways. The young woman was clothed in plain gray scrubs that seemed to swallow her thing figure. Her head was bowed, black hair cascaded in waves over her shoulders. She had been in the same position for so long it had caused the guards some issue, thinking she might have died. But in response she would make a small movement, and the guards would go back to talking about who they couldn't believe had been HYDRA. But while the prisoner had kept her head bowed, she had been trying concentrate on her thoughts. Her thoughts were the only thing she had in this place, or in the hell she had been before. How sorely she wished she could see the outside, she had never been to New York. Everyone always talked about the sky scrapers and street food, but Kelisandra could see none of it from her well armored metal box. Very suddenly the prisoner's head popped up as she felt the truck roll to a stop. Someone got out, but no matter how much she strained, she couldn't hear anything. It was a few moments before they began to move again, but Kelisandra couldn't push the feeling of uneasiness away, something horrible was going to happen, and not just to her. The truck rumbled down the road and slowly, the prisoner lowered her head once more. Their caravan would wind through the city by smaller streets, and Kelisandra wasn't sure that was such a great idea. She sat with the uneasiness welling in her stomach and waited for the inevitable. [i]...Something is going to happen...[/i]