[center][b]Town Square[/b][/center] Ceann had a lightning arrow cocked and at the ready, all she had to do was draw, aim and let loose. So many vampires gathered together but one, possibly two, were a threat to herself and the priestess. She glanced at the spiders and almost scoffed, there was no time for that however as she studied the ground where the vampire had vanished from, her eyes darting over it see any sign of a disturbance. He might be invisible but that didn't mean he would not show signs of his passage. Her eyes caught it, a series of small disturbances in the dirt around the fountain, heading directly towards the vampire who had spoken up, that one might try to do a selfless thing, trying to convince this illusionist vampire, this Jeremy to 'see the good in himself'? It wouldn't work, the Drow had learned that a long time ago, there was no time for apology or repentance, only what you do next matters. Was what she thought as she did her best to aim for the area where the vampire was moving and loosed her arrow, opting no to warn the vampire for it would also alert their invisible adversary that she had spotted him. Andrea meanwhile was staring at the spiders and smiled, walking slowly towards them with her hands spread, harmlessly. Did this blood-drinker really thought his command of her language and his ability to command spiders would impress or frighten her? She made a soft cooing sound of delight at the spiders, almost as if they were her children, talking to them softly in Drow. <"Such beauties on the surface, I was afraid I would see none of your kind in these sun scorched lands. Do you know what I am my pretties, who I serve? Would you really harm one such as myself, who admires your beauty, your grace... and most especially your deadly nature."> She just purred, <"Now you just stay there, while I will find and kill the insolent vampire who does not admire you like one such as I would..."> With that she grinned, how well do vampires burn?