"Hahaha~!" Her soft, pure laughter filled the air as she ran around town, chasing a stray cat she found earlier that day. She ran all through town going up and down alleys and streets until the cat finally found its way up onto the roof of a small chain of buildings. "Awwwww, that's not fun," she cried. "Why do you have to go and desert me like that?" Aiko strolled out into the middle of town, exploring more of this fabulous place known as the human world. "Oh! A cafe! I've heard they had good food in there!" Aiko ran off, slipping by the people in her way as gracefully as she could manage. Before going in, she peeked through the window, taking notice of the daily lifestyle set before her before tainting it with her presence. Satisfied, she carefully opened the door, trying not to make too much of a commotion as she entered. "Welcome, have a seat where ever you like. Someone will be around shortly," said a person behind the counter. Aiko just smiled and nodded as she wandered around trying to decide where a good place to sit would be. She happened by Delilah, who was sipping on her coffee at the time. Aiko didn't know what the lady was drinking, but it smelled heavenly. And, although impolite, she couldn't help but hover around the lady's table with interest while trying not to be seen too badly.