Blast Girl didn't have any questions. She was ready! There were people she had to save, and that was what mattered. The villains, well, she had heard enough about their abilities and all that. Things would go fine! She'd make sure everyone was safe, and she'd make sure the villains got taken down, too! Non-lethally, though. That was the important part. She wasn't a police officer or anything, even if she worked with the law she wasn't actually a part of it. They were allowed to use lethal force on criminals if they had to. But Blast Girl? She wasn't a part of that, and she didn't need to kill. She never needed to kill. Even with Mister Crystal, she had taken him down without killing him. That was the [i]right way[/i], and it was the only way for her. No matter which villain she went up against, well... she might beat them into unconsciousness, but she would never, ever kill a single one of them. And now that she knew what they were like, she was sure she could handle them! Blast Girl had heard of a few of them before, especially since Kate tended to talk at length about superheroes and supervillains in the most enthusiastic way possible. Blast Girl was ready.