Hi-Voltage arched an eyebrow at Olympia's comment, as he thought people had stopped using the word 'spunk' in serious conversations back in the 1940's, but climbed into the VTOL and took a seat, getting his pick seeing as he was the first one on.[I] Lets get this show on the road. [/I] He was quickly joined by the other heroes on this mission, but didn't recognise any of them apart from the qualified leaguers. That was a bit disappointing as he was sure Strix woulda volunteered for this mission. Three villain attacks in Chicago on the same day that the League was having their first major meeting in the city certainly sounded like the sorta Conspiracy theory the owl themed vigilante would get his teeth stuck into so it was surprising he wasn't here. Then again maybe he knew something Volt didn't. Volt took the time to flick his earpiece into the 'on' setting. It gave off nothing but static for a few seconds before the line stabilised. A few seconds more of silence before finally he heard a voice on the other end. "Hey blondie. Finally letting me listen in huh? So what's the party like, and more importantly is Olympia as stunning in person as she looks on tv?" The slightly huffy voice on the other end was Szymon Glowski, otherwise known as the hacker supreme; Silvertongue. Szymon was quite possibly Volt's greatest ally, providing the Lightning-Slinger with much needed technical know how, cyber back up and mission control. The man was a genius, if more than a little eccentric, and Volt couldn't even begin to comprehend how difficult the path so far might have been if not for Szymon. "Button it Silvertongue, she's way outta your league anyway. Things have got hot and it looks like I'm gonna be involved in some action. You know the drill, keep your ears open and give me relevant info as you receive it." Volt was painfully aware how much like a drill sergeant he sounded when speaking to Silvertongue, but that was the role he was suited to. The straight man to Szymon's comic. "Oh sure, ignore me all day until you need me! You know Volt, friendship is a two way street, eventually you'll need to give me something in return for all the hours I sacrifice for you!" even through the complaints the tapping of keys could be heard as Silvertongue brought up data screens, ready to deliver anything that could help Volt. The VTOL took off shortly after that, the others strapping themselves in for the short ride. Olympia, looking every inch a determined demi-god, strode up and down the aisle explaining the situation. Both Volt and Silvertongue listened intently, both believing that 'forewarned is forearmed'. Volt hadn't heard of any the villains, probably because they were American natives and had never crossed the pond. Still, he definitely didn't like the sound of them, especially the one that could turn into a poisonous cloud. [I] I hate to sound like Eclipse, but shooting lightning is starting to sound pretty trivial. I'll have to up my game. [/I] Olympia had finished now, and was waiting for questions. "'Scuse me miss, but I've gotta few" Volt started " Being from outta town I'm unfamiliar with the nasties we're gonna be dealing with, so do any of them have any weaknesses that you could share with a tourist? And have they made any demands? In my experience the bad guys are usually full of demands in this kinda situation." He kept one question to himself for now, that being how could any villain group be dumb enough to attack in Chicago today. Instead he waited for an answer to the questions he had asked.