Anpu followed his new master, along with the other new initiates of the guild. Anpu wasn't sure what to think of Dakarai, the man didn't seem to thrilled to be leading them at all but despite Dakarai's cold emotions toward them Anpu had to respect him and that was what he would do. His life was now this guild, that was all he had. He joined the guild to avenge his family that was betrayed by a close ally, someone aligned with the Pharaoh, though he had no name and not sure who. The betrayal had left his family's name in disgrace and he had to bring honor to it again. When the had reached the bazaar, Anpu listened to their master on the details they would need to watch for when hunting down there target. It would not be an easy task. It was crowded with people, buying and selling goods of all kinds. Someone suggested to split up which sounded like a good idea. The more ground covered would make finding their target much easier. "Indeed splitting up would be best," he finally spoke up ",I shall aid from the rooftops above." He added watching someone else begin the climb up to the top of the roofs. Anpu took another roof and scrambled up with relative ease, and quietly moved from the tops of the roofs, avoiding the few guards that would be up there as well, looking for thieves that would try stealing from the bazaar.