Seeing Tai's hesitance towards the lollipop, Yui hid a smile behind her clasped hands. "Yes, a demonstration would help me visualize your potential in the teaching field. But first, might I suggest we wait for a little while longer? I have a feeling we will be joined by more guests soon enough." True to her word, Yui nodded at the door to let the next student in: Deja Rith. This peaked her interest. Another human student? "Yes Rith-san? Please come in-" The Headmistress immediately let out a soft sigh as two unpleasant things occurred almost simultaneously. First and foremost, another student walked right in. Alice Borealis. Taking a brief glimpse of her mind, Yui saw that she was responsible for upsetting a certain sweets loving demon and was now here for obvious instruction. [i]"What the hell kind of thing am I supposed to be doing?"[/i] Yui didn't even bother to reply as she felt one final force enter into the fray. Shaking her head in disappointment and closing her eyes, she remained quite calm as one of her Vice Principals, Rachel Romano, practically crashed into her office. Thanfully, Yui was able to keep everything from falling over via telepathy. Opening her eyes now, the Esper witnessed a most peculiar sight. She was definitely getting too old for this. "Greetings Borealis-san, Romano-san. Romano-san, is there an exact reason why you are late on the first day of school? Again." Although her face remained expressionless, Yui dug into the drawer once more to fetch two more lollipops. She have a lemon one to Deja, a grape one to Alice, and the orange one Tai had refused earlier to her Vice Principal. Leaning back slightly in her chair and sucking on her own candy, Yui scanned the lively bunch who had now disturbed the peace in her office. "Please speak one at a time."