The car pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex where Jayden's new foster guardian lived. The driver meandered around the lot searching for the visitor parking that was in plain sight for a minute, and then she parked. She gathered up some accordion folders and files from the glove compartment, and Jayden sat in silence, scanning the parking lot for signs of life. The woman double checked to make sure everything she needed was in the folders, and then she tied the accordion folder closed and stacked all the folders and files on her lap. She sighed and looked over at Jayden. "I know that you might feel intimidated, having to move again so soon. You seem to be feeling guilty for something, and I want you to know that what happened was an accident, it wasn't anything you did," said the Social worker. Jayden looked over at her blankly. "... I don't feel guilty, but thanks," he said quietly. The social worker tried to muster a smile, but Jayden didn't want any sympathy or support. It wasn't necessary. He could easily support himself in a culture like this. It was nothing compared to where he had been raised. He wasn't allowed to even attempt supporting himself though. Not until this strangely formal and amazingly peaceful culture deemed him to be 'old enough' to make rational and safe decisions. Jayden thought it foolish, but there was nothing he could do without becoming a target. Jayden much preferred the invisible route, so he never voiced his thoughts on the matter to anyone. "Well, my boss wanted you to know that you should be extra careful, we had trouble finding someone who would take you in this time. It will only get harder the older you get and the worse your record gets. So please try to avoid having any accidents, as ridiculous as that sounds," said the social worker. Jayden nodded slightly, and got out of the car. The social worker did as well, and together they liberated Jayden's satchel and suitcase from the trunk of the car. Jayden was fully aware of the young woman watching him. He was suspicious of her, but he decided not to act on the suspicions unless the girl made a movement of some sort. He looked directly at her when he had successfully freed his suitcase. He was slightly taken aback. She was absolutely gorgeous, there was simply no other word that could describe her. Her face was thin and her skin exceptionally unblemished and fair. She had long, straight honey-blonde hair that flowed down her shoulders to about her mid-back. Her frame was thin and well proportioned, and her eyes... Her eyes were penetrating and intelligent. Jayden felt chills run down his spine as their eyes locked. Jayden simply could not look away.