Mars stood at the end of the dock as the ship prepared to leave. Blatantly ignoring the person Zephyr had called to take Kati away, the questionably-well-dressed man waved down a long limousine, practically sparkling with how clean its white paint was. As the limo rolled to a stop, the back door burst open and a rugged man with a graying beard jumped out. "Daddy!" The girl in Mars' arms struggled to the ground and ran at the man. It was a heartwarming reunion of father and daughter. Mars just smiled his thin smile and turned to catch his ship. "Sir!" Mars turned back to look at the man. "Watch her now, this city is a dangerous place." The man nodded at his daughter's odd acquaintance. "Yes, and thank you for keeping her safe. I was so worried when I couldn’t find her. Thank god for you finding her before anything happened." Mars waved away the compliments with a gloved hand. "The car will take you both home, or to wherever you wish it to take you. The driver has something for you as well." Mars glanced at the darkened window. His man would hand over the gift because his man knew what happened to those who didn't do exactly as they were told. It would be enough to fund many more future trips to the market. Mars waved at the father and his daughter as he walked away. "Goodbye Kati, it was fun." He had a plane to catch. Mars heard what he thought was the girl yelling goodbye, but he was too close to the ship to catch the words entirely. Oh well, it didn't matter. He could always find the two again if he chose to. Not all chance encounters in the big city had to be by chance. His meeting with Kati certainly hadn't been. Mars Mondelez pulled himself inside just as the ship left the ground. He rubbed his gloved hands together. Time to see what fun things there were to do inside a flying whale. That reminded him, he wanted to see if it could swim. But the trip would be a while, so he first set out to find if he got his own cabin inside the whale's bowels. Maybe he could find Ivy and invite her into his room for some fun. Mars' grin grew wider and thinner. He'd lucked out on his teammates. Frozone and S&M and himself, fun for all ages. Mars slipped into Hatsu and began his exploring.