Arachnid slipped the goggles on and through the mist managed to catch sight of Surgeon readying his claws. The guy looked extremely dangerous but Arachnid felt that her powers should give her the edge to take him and she jumped down from the VTOL and stood face to face with him. The villain grinned at her as he charged swinging his claws wildly as Arachnid performed gymnastic moves to stop herself from being sliced to pieces. During her melee with Surgeon her foot slipped on the mall floor and losing her balance she fell, Surgeon catching her in the abdomen as she regained her footing. Immediately she knew that he had cut deep and she cursed herself for making the mistake and her attacker for injuring her like this. Quickly putting her abdomen to one side she focused on her aggressor and jumped onto the roof of a nearby cart as he attacked her again. As he slashed at the roof's support she managed to jump behind him wincing as she landed and delivered a punch to the back of his head before checking her wound realising she was losing a fair amount of blood.