In the depths of the dark forest roosted an owl, lavender eyes the size of the moon as it watched it rise slowly into the sky. Picking up the sounds of prey running and squeaking so quietly below, the owl would turn its head and spot the mouse just below the tree, lost and alone. The owl's stomach growled lowly as hunger started to creep in. But the owl did not swoop down upon the vulnerable little the blink of an eye, the owl became a cat, black as night with the same unnatural lavender optics. The cat sat on the branch and readied its position...before leaping off the branch and pouncing on the new meal. Suddenly, a shrill cry rang loudly from the village at the base of the hill. And just like that, the owl that changed to a cat had shifted into a human, mouse dangling from her teeth, though she was oblivious to it. Her long, shiny, chocolate brown hair was tucked neatly in a French braid along the back of her head, and as she ran closer to the source of the scream, the once beautiful, pristine braid slowly became undone. When she arrived at her destination and busted through a door, her hair was elegantly disheveled as it quickly fell into beautiful waves among her shoulders. The beauty would come to an end once it was known that the mouse she had caught was bleeding all over her straight, sharp, alabaster teeth, also staining her sewn-in name on her custom black robes: Abelina.