[B]Alice:[/B] Picking herself up off of the desk, Alice could hardly register what had just happened. A grown woman had just knocked her over, and not an apology to be heard! "What in the four great hells-" She stopped and took the lollipop offered to her. There would be time for retribution later. One of the boys who had been in the room before her offered her some information. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Who are you supposed to be, Bruce Lee?" She leaned against the desk and and rubbed her bruising elbow. "Or you could just tell me now, which sounds like a lot less trouble for me." [B]Rachel[/B] Rachel laughed haughtily and scurried over to the Head mistress. "Well, you know, once you get to a certain age you have so much more adult responsibilities that you have to take care of and time seems to slip away." She patted the top Yui's head knowingly, trying her hardest not to think of how she'd simply slept in. "But look at all these eager beavers ready to learn! I'm so excited to start molding your minds into beautiful sculptures of friendship!"