Despite trying her absolute hardest, Key could not help the eye roll and depressed sigh that escaped her lips. Of all the things he could have said, did it have to be so... cliche? Of course, she was sure that Aurora would probably enjoy it. She was so young that she'd probably never had anything like that said to her before. As this thought came to her, her eye's became distant and her mind began to wander. So far, it was safe to assume that Key was immortal, she could not confirm this as she'd never met another of her species (though she was sure they existed), but she had lived 4 full lives so far. It was strange how many people strived to obtain what she had from birth, and yet... she did not want it. She wanted to be like this girl, experiencing things for the first time. When her attention focused back on Aram, a blush formed on Key's cheeks. After all, there was one thing she had not experienced yet, despite what people probably thought. Pushing the bad thoughts out of her mind, she shook her head. "You needn't give her so many options, Mr. Pollux. Besides, not everyone is like you. Some of us need actual nutrition from our foods," her voice was slightly teasing, but her words were also true.