IC: Through the welcome, the tall, brown-haired student had observed the crowd and Headmistress closely, noting behaviors with an avid curiosity. Despite Yui's young appearance, and apparent fondness for sweets, simple logic proved that she must indeed be quite competent; One did not maintain leadership of a school for students such as these without such skills. The few teachers he had easily noted prompted a myriad of reactions; Curiosity, amusement, mild distaste, among others, but none were held onto for long. He hadn't met any of them yet, after all. First appearances were often deceiving. That said, the student that decided to melt the culinary teacher's, if his guess was correct, food was worth taking note of, if he wished to avoid being a potential target for similar pranks. As the assembly ended, Abraham Martin stood in a single, easy motion, book tucked under one arm. He slipped through the crowd easily, politely nodding and smiling at the people he passed. Truthfully, he didn't have a real destination in mind. The day was unscheduled, so he didn't have anywhere he needed to be, and he didn't know anyone around him. If he was honest with himself, he was moving just to move. [i]You are aware that this is rather pointless, yes?[/i] [i]Yes, Fury. I'm aware.[/i] A momentary pause. [i]If you're looking for people, any of these people could be suitable to talk to. They're all intending to be Dawn Slayers, and if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say most of the ones around you are supernatural creatures.[/i] Abraham sighed, giving the sentient sword a 'nod' of acknowledgement. He had a point, however blunt he was in making it. Any of the people around him could be fascinating, in fact, just about anyone within the campus' grounds could be. On the other hand, he didn't know any of them, which meant striking up a conversation was a shot in the dark. After a moment, he sighed again. He would have to figure out where to start. Reading wasn't polite, nor would it further the creation of new acquaintances and friends.