[img] http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m68gymHtp71qbj4neo1_500.png[/img] Maia Ryan 23 The younger cousin of Anthony through his father and her mother (brother and sister), she was raised in what many of her family members would call an ‘unconventional household’, that is she has two mothers. Maia’s first friend was Anthony as they were growing up. Eventually they parted ways and made new friends; Maia moved a few towns over and became a tattoo artist. She is five months pregnant with her first child. [img] http://www.ibiza-voice.com/media/news/news2010/sfr021/Guy_Gerber.jpg [/img] Anthony Ryan 27 The oldest of three, Anthony befriended his younger cousin Maia and for many years the two were inseparable. He showed great skills as an artist and eventually he went to college for art that was when his friendship with Maia ended. Anthony currently works in a grocery store but does his art as a side job. He’s gotta pay the bills somehow. [Appearance coming soon] George Lords 25 Owner of [i]The Inked[/i], that tattoo shop that Maia, his girlfriend works at. He's yet to meet her cousin and George is nervous about becoming a father.