[B]Aurora[/b] [i]Its awakening....[/i] Paused for a moment..she felt a slight change in her body it was on her spine. She fell onto the floor..breathing very hard, "Ngh..." she was drowning in pain and she didn't know what it was. She heard voices in her mind and reality. Souls that whispered, 'Wings'. She screamed the pain was getting worse. She felt as if her body was rotting away. But it wasn't amounts of power came from her body, something was being added to her that she didn't know but could of guessed what it was. She screamed and screamed rolling around in pain. The [b]burst?[/b] was it? Her back felt as if it was burning and a faint glowing would appear on her back her hand slowly raised towards Mrs.Begay trying to call out for help but she simply couldn't. Her hand slapped down onto the floor as she tried to keep in her pain, " Nnnnggh!!! " she bit her lip tightly, small amounts of blood became dripping down. Time seemingly stopped as she expierenced this moment. She felt waves of pain go through her body and barely could here anything. The shine from her back began getting brighter and brighter by the minute. The pain was morphing into something and it was wings. The wings sent out a fairly bright flash then quickly faded away and there settled a bright pair of wings..though after that Aurora soon layed on the ground knocked out. [hider=Wings'o Light][img]http://www.colourbox.com/preview/3923279-104850-glowing-butterfly.jpg[/img][/hider] More powers were to come soon...and souls were awakening from within her powers [img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv6hf9FABU1qii6tmo1_400.gif[/img]