Pariah gave Rolling Girl his patented stare, his yellow visor locking with her eyes before replying, "This exercise will mimic a real-world operation as closely as possibly. The staff will be using non-lethal weaponry but it will be as close as we can get to real armaments. The instructors have been ordered to use their powers near their full strength. In effect, you will likely experience excruciating pain that you have seldom felt before if it all. I anticipate multiple injuries ranging from cuts and bruises to cracked bones." Several recruits shifted at that, "That said. We will not break you [i] before [/i] you join the League. No permanent damage [i] should [/i] be inflicted. But I would anticipate some of you earning the chance to hone your first aid skills." For her second question, Pariah said, "I will not relate any information regarding the positioning of your foes. In a real combat situation, heroes must often deploy into danger with no idea of what they face. If you wish to join the League you must learn to adapt to situations quickly in order to succeed in your mission." Pariah glared at her, impressive considering his eyes were covered, and scanned the rest of the room, "Any other questions?" Elsewhere, Olympia answered her questions more graciously, "Shank can only teleport two people at the most. Anymore than that and he can't go anywhere, he also can't teleport anything bigger than a fridge with him. Bouncer is as vulnerable as any other human besides her agility and she is not as dangerous at mid to long ranges. Burnout is susceptible to water and ice attacks more than most, and he's pretty dumb to boot. Sarin is susceptible to anything that disrupts her gaseous form, like a wind or ice attack. She can only stretch her gas form as her solid mass allows. And Boomer has to recharge for twenty seconds after self-detonating, and he is also somewhat dumb. None of them have special defenses besides against attacks similar to their own. The biggest concern is what they'll do with the hostages. Sarin, Burnout, and Boomer are particularly dangerous to the hostages and they know that much. They have demanded and I quote, 'a fueled jet, ten supreme pizzas, safe transport, ten million dollars, and for you to fuck yourself' we can only assume an ulterior motive for the robbery. Anything else?" Olympia answered any questions that were raised and It was at that point that the gunship landed and Olympia strode out with her team. They saw that the Bank was completely surrounded, but Shank was in front of the Bank with a knife to the neck of what looked to be the bank manager. Bouncer was next to him and had her arms around another bank worker. Three of their henchmen flanked them and pointed guns at the police. The police commander walked up to them and Olympia nodded at him, "What's the situation here?" The commander said, "We got them completely surrounded but Burnout, Sarin, and Boomer have locked themselves in three different rooms with the hostages. Boomer in the lobby, Sarin in the Vault, and Burnout in the upstairs offices. Shank is getting crazier. We need to settle this now." Olympia turned to Hi-Voltage, "Can you knock out the villains without harming the hostages?" And to Sonja she asked, "Any ideas old friend?"