The girl stiffened as the second car passenger stepped out of the vehicle. He was slightly taller than herself, with straight dark brown locks that fell to his ears. He was thin, but he didn't look weak, instead looking deceptively strong, lean, and agile. His green eyes had locked with her own. She regarded him for a moment....feeling a sort of grim understanding with the stranger. The girl couldn't put her finger on the reason why, but it was almost as if they had crossed paths before.. An uneasy tingle jolted through her, and with a quick spin on her toe, the girl flitted up the stairs and into her apartment, where her godfather was waiting for her. She didn't look back at the young man. Her godfather glanced up from the bonsai tree was pruning. “What caused you to burst in all willy-nilly, Ellyon?” “We have a new neighbor or something....” she replied, quickly acting like nothing had happened at all. Her guardian quirked a brow. “That's hardly a reason to jump inside like a mouse being chased by a cat,” he said. “I don't know, was...just odd I guess. I felt like we knew each other, but didn't, or like weird vibes that make my spine tingle,” she responded vaguely, waving her fingers for emphasis. Tavel rolled his eyes and went back to his tree. “It's probably the foster child Mrs. Palmer said she was going to take in. nothing to be alarmed about, Ellyon.” “Mmmph,” Ellyon shrugged, and headed towards her room, already putting the stranger out of mind.