[img=http://s27.postimg.org/o57eyjyfj/Face_Serhan.png] [b]Spring 4 - Crescent Town - (Serhan)[/b] --- Papers are neatly stacked on a desk, separated and organized in color-coded bins. Serhan spins around in his chair whistling, glad to have finished medical reports. Wilhelm needed new medications during his last visit. Above him, he can hear his pet weasel’s paws thump against a plastic tunnel. The creature jumps down and lies in front of him on the desk, opening an eye, it looks up expectantly. He scratches Azel’s furry white neck before taking a sip of hot tea. The critter’s nose begins to wiggle. “This isn’t your tea,” he tilts his head to the side and grins. Azel squeaks at him before climbing his owner’s arm. Serhan laughs and switches his tea to the other hand, “Will you watch the desk for me until Yue comes in?” The weasel chirps while jerking its head toward the hall. A light blue lab coat hangs on a rack beside the door. Serhan grabs the garment and slips it on with a goofy grin, making Azel jump down. He feels like a mad scientist when it’s on. Once he steps out of the small room he strolls down the hall. Blue walls pass by him as he treks through the residential area into the clinic. Medical posters are hung around the lounge, to inform people of common ailments. He unlocks the main entrance while looking over the area. Magazines are scattered across a coffee table. His eyes twitch, and he proceeds to stack them, not allowing a single point to stick out. A relieved sigh rolls past his lips before he looks up. His breathing halts. A poster is crooked, oh no, he can’t live with this. Five agonizing minutes pass by before the image is at the correct angle. After straightening five more posters, he ventures toward the “sick rooms.” For the most part, things are tidy and well kept. He attempts to take the wrinkles out of a few bed sheets before rearranging blocks on a children’s activity center. Grimacing, he decides to ask Yue to disinfect it later. Observing the last room, a sly smile spreads across his face, and he walks back to the lobby. Yue isn’t scheduled to come in for another hour! This is the perfect opportunity to see to his junk collection. He balls his hands into fists out of anticipation and giddily rushes to his bedroom. In contrast to the rest of his living quarters, this room has gray walls. Pictures of family and old friends are hung on the walls. A dark brown cedar chest lies at the foot of his bed. Excitedly opening it, he looks inside. His collection is organized by color, and neatly separated by thin planks of wood. Now is his chance to start his project and… Loud chattering noises draw him away from that train of thought. Azel is standing in the doorway on two legs, his head is pointing toward the clinic, informing Serhan of a person’s arrival. The doctor looks up surprised, he didn’t hear anyone. Why is the person outside? Didn’t he unlock the door? Getting up, he dusts off his coat and runs out to the lobby. Finally, he detects the voice of a young boy calling for him coming from the right. Of course, that’s the side he’s deaf on (yes, the doctor doesn’t wear a hearing aid. He finds them too bulky), it’s a good thing he has a warning system… that goes by the name Azel. He looks down at his weasel and pats the animal’s head before opening the door. “Peter? The door is open boy! Did you not try the door knob? Come in, come in,” he takes a step back, and waits for the boy to step inside. Is Wilhelm sick again?