[quote=Nallore] Hey everyone! :D I'm happy RPG is now back up and running again and can't wait to get started on some RP's. A bit about me for those who haven't RPed with me before, i'm 22 woman and I've been RPing for several years now 6 to be exact originally in WoW then switched to forums I consider myself a free to casual RPer. I also work so my schedule is sometimes very weird but i'll try and post as soon as possible. I mainly do fandom RP's with OC's or work on our own stories I either do FxF RP's or MxF but prefer doing FxF more. Now onto the good stuff! :D Anime: (More to add as time goes on.) Sword Art Online Skip Beat Angel Beats Attack on Titan Higurashi Mirai Nikki To Love Ru Video Games: (More to add later.) Halo Dead Space Assassin's Creed Saints Row Grand Theft Auto Doom 3 World of Warcraft Shows: (More to add.) The Walking Dead Falling Skies LOST Heroes Books: (More to add later also) The Hunger Games (Have a plot for this) Harry Potter Percy Jackson Choice of Games/Hosted Games: Choice of the Vampire Choice of Romance Choice of the Dragon Choice of Broadsides Choice of Zombies Heroes Rise Zombie Exodus Way Walkers Academy Unnatural Pairings: (Will add more later) MermaidxHuman VampirexHuman Dragonxhuman SingerxFan Super HeroxCivilian VillainxCivilian VillainxSuper Hero NekoxHuman ElfxHuman SisterxSister (Can be twincest.) [/quote] I am interested in doing ElfxHuman please PM me about it