Esther gave Aiden a polite good bye as he exited with the nurse and left the common area. She looked down at her drawing. It did not seem as amazing as Aiden had described it. She felt a sadness inside of her. Aiden had taken the golden star that made her drawings come to life. A pitiful smile perked on his lips. He must have needed it more than her. She looked up at Delta and Griffin, with the same pitiful smile, she smiled at the two, trying to make the pity flourish into something welcoming. She was not sure what to say, how to react. The hospital seemed to give her all she needed and right when she felt content, the hospital would take that very source of happiness away from her. Esther was afraid to say, "Hello." Therefore, she just sat in her seat, smiling, trying to look as polite as possible. Although, she knew she had the potential to look rude and chummy. She honestly became more afraid of them the more she smiled at them. However, nothing was more scary than the asylum itself. Her dirty little secret was that she was afraid of the asylum more than anything, and she did not know how to seem welcoming. She felt like a Jew welcoming comrades into a Nazi concentration death camp. The thought of being on her best behavior, simply... simply meant coloring. Without Aiden to help her, she felt helpless. She looked back at her drawing, analyzing the details she had colored and stretched. Her smile was still perked on her lips. After a few seconds of critiquing her own work, she finally mustered up enough courage to say, "Hello, my name is Esther. May I ask your names?"