Yui said nothing as she felt her Vice Principal gently pat her on the head, treating her like a kid. Oh the irony of those words....Hearing Deja's request, the Headmistress directed a sly smirk in Rachel's direction. "Of course Rith-san. In fact, I know just the perfect member of our staff. And seeing how she has nothing better to do other than to be late to school, I think this is a wonderful learning opportunity for Romano-san." She beamed up at her Vice Principal with a knowing look. Before the other woman could argue back, Yui had already focused her attention back to Alice and Tai now. "Borealis-san, it's not nice to disregard and label our peers. I'll choose to overlook your incident with Pollux-san for now because it's your first day." She clasped her hands together and leaned in closer. "Ok?" Giving her a blank stare followed by a smile, Yui then turned to Tai. "And last but not least, Yang-san. I apologize for the sudden intrusions. Perhaps I can have a demonstration sometime after school today? I look forward to seeing what you have to of-" A jolt. No, it was more like a shot. Gunshot? It felt that way. Something was wrong. This feeling....this presence....it was tainted. Unholy. Dense and violent. She hadn't felt this since.... The Headmistress narrowed her eyes and focused her mind to pinpoint [b]his[/b] location. It was close but...there! At the front of the school. Right next to... Yui composed herself and gave the three students a smile. "I'm sorry, but I must get back to my paper work you see. I hope you three have a pleasant year here in Hikari." There was no doubt that the other staff members felt him too, and maybe even some of the students. Chomping hard on the last of her pink lollipop, she sent a mental message to the one he was closest to. Ninja Janitor Mitsu Yakimura. [i]"Yakimura-san. Whoever it is, do not let him near the students."[/i] Yui's voice was low and commanding, as that nagging suspicion from the back of her mind began to arise once more. There was an intruder on campus. --- "Is this really what I've been missing out on for all these years? Hmpf. Typical." He was a tall man in a pristine white suit. Dark hair cropped his head and blood red eyes flitted this way and that. His eyes saw all. Even one of those pathetic janitor ninjas who thought they were clever and invisible. Not to him. Never to him. How long...how long had it been since he walked these very grounds? Seeing a boy with brown hair and a strange sword, he casually walked up to him. No doubt the boy was a student. "Excuse me young sir, do you mind directing me to the main office? You see, I'm looking for the Headmistress."