It started slowly and then happened all at once. As soon as she heard the first shot fired, Kelisandra closed her eyes tight, had her hands been free she would have covered her ears. But the worst part was knowing it was going to get worse. She was no idiot, she knew the state of things and she knew it had to be HYDRA out there trying to take her. From the talks of her guards when she was within earshot, a major betrayal had happened and caused a divide. The way the men spoke, it was as if HYDRA were the bad guys, but from Kelis' view, SHIELD did not act like the good guy. Part of her wished to be liberated, but the unknown was much scarier than the hell she had come to know. They had transported her with the promise of safety upon their arrival, they had promised to unshackle her, but the collar, they told her, could never come off. It was a fair trade to the young woman, after all she was their prisoner, who was she to refuse? Most of the men thought she was deaf as well as not being able to speak, some mocked her in the prison she had been in, and it had smarted, but Kelisandra kept her resolve. Those monsters didn't need to know that she was fully capable of understanding every command, but chose not to. The men in the transport though, had been more gentle than aggressive and it pained Kelis to know they would likely die trying to keep her from falling into the 'wrong' hands. The blast knocked Kelis back, her head slamming into the metal panel meant to protect the driver. Stars exploded in her vision as everything seemed to tumble to the side and go still. Smoke filled the prison cell, and a cough was trapped behind Kelis' lips. Her hands were cut and oozing blood, and still encased in metal shackles. The crackling of something on fire filled her ears as she weighed her options. She could stay here and die of smoke inhalation, or face what was outside. Either way, she was helpless. More fighting and gunfire sounded outside and all Kelis could think about as the fresh air taunting her outside of the now blown open truck doors. Slowly, and with an inward wince, the young woman in the gray scrubs emerged from the truck and tried to look for somewhere to hide. [i][/i]