[quote=KiltmanBagz] Ivy being a mob child she has some experience with games like pool and would be confident in her chances Ivy: >:D "You on Psycho" -Loses- "Damn it"Later that night you go to open Ivy's door only to find a 7 foot tall raven nen-beast on the other side to great you and block entry while Ivy sleeps peacfully [/quote] "And... checkmate." Mars sneaks in through the window because he can. Actually, Mars fighting a giant raven monster through the halls of the airship in the middle of the night waking everyone and their mothers up would make for one entertaining scene. It should totally happen. The fact that Ivy would be completely defenseless should her nen-raven fail to kill Mars might be too large of a risk for her though. After all, he can creep longer than her raven bodyguard can guard. So much creep he has.