Wonder Woman smiled at Shifter, "Animal Man knows heroes when he sees them. He chose wisely in recommending you. Many of us were overwhelmed when we first joined the League, you'll get used to it eventually." Diana caught sight of Aquaman and she smiled even broader. Diana had always felt a certain kinship with Arthur. They both resembled regular humanity but were utterly different, they were both royalty of supernatural civilizations, they both lived in two worlds, and they were both excellent fighters. Though Diana had not yet tested herself against the King of the Sea. She nodded at Arthur's words,"He's right. For such a new member you proved yourself more than capable. I was highly impressed by your performance." Diana caught Arthur's eye and smiled, "Hello, Arthur. You missed the bout earlier today, Hawkgirl and the others put me through my paces. One of these days you and I should indulge in some friendly competition."