Ah, well... this was different. Zora didn't consider herself the religious type, but something about what happened just then sent shivers down her spine and whispered "miracle" somewhere in the back of her brain. He was moving. There was an expectant, pregnant stillness as the all seemed to wait for something, none of them knowing what, and then he moved. And not just like the sort of twitch and spasming that would suggest unconscious movement; though things started that way, the expectation continued to hang, and then it was followed by a methodical loosening of limbs until it ended with him opening his eyes with a smile on his lips. Other people were saying things, probably, but Zora was a bit busy trying to deal with the strange feelings she was experiencing. Shouldn't she have felt happy, at least for him and all of his friends? But at the same time that voice which told her that this was a miracle seemed to be telling her that this was something horrible, too. She felt like turning and running away as quickly as her crutches would take her, like holing up and never seeing this person ever again because if she did... what? It was an entirely illogical feeling, and yet it bore down on her so hard that she couldn't really say anything. Not that she had anything to say. She didn't know this person, and now she couldn't even do her puppet show. There were other people here so she couldn't get to know him, either. No, it made sense for her to turn around and leave; she had no place here, at least not right now. That [i]was[/i] logical, right? Then why couldn't she seem to make up her mind to do that, either? It was all very confusing, and in her confusion all she could do was stand there and keep tapping her crutches to her cast. Well, no, she could do more than that without being a nuisance. She pulled her backpack off and slung it around in front of her, taking Herbert and Bjork off of her hands and depositing them in the main compartment. There, at least Comaboy wouldn't think she was super weird for having puppets out.