The other SHIELD vehicles had stopped, either with agents taking cover behind or due to the death of the driver. The truck was on it's side and smoke pooled from the engine and the fire crawling up the droplets of fuel. The senior officer climbed from the cab of the truck and jumped to safety and looked to have minimal injuries. From the back crawled a woman in plain grey clothes but that was not what set her apart from everyone else, rather the collar that was secured around her neck and blocked her mouth. The device looked almost cruel if not for the matching shackles around her wrists. She was obviously the 'cargo.' Peter did a double take when he heard a soft whisper in his mind, asking for help. If not for the situation they were in, he would have sworn someone had spoken directly into his ear, but yet felt it was only in his mind. Peter bent backward to dodge a fist and completed a back flip, thrusting his feet into the chin of his opponent. Everyone else was busy tending to wounded or fighting off the remaining threat. It was not exactly even odds, but Peter figured he levelled the playing field by being there. He was Spiderman after all. The suited hero turned his attention to the truck when the back of his skull tingled in warning. The fire was rapidly moving toward the gas tank and the girl was still too close to survive an explosion of that size.Peter dived into the back of the truck, intending to rescue the guards as well. One was dead, head laying at an unnatural angle and the other had already crawled a good distance away. That left just the girl. Peter scooped her up in an arm and attached a web to a distant tree and with a giant heave, launched them out of the blast radius a few short moments before the truck exploded. The senior officer yelled orders to his men and Peter, telling him to get the girl to safety. That was easier said than done seeing as Hydra had the same advantages, training, and equipment as SHIELD. Peter was tempted to stay and fight but with more Hydra agents appearing it seemed unlikely that it was a battle they would win. "Looks like you're coming with me." He said to the woman. He took her by the hand and began to run. They needed to get to the buildings were Peter could web-sling and then they would find somewhere safe.