Normally weapon technology in the empire had been one of stagnation. Most advance weaponry was outlawed. That was of course...unless it had flame attached to it. Fire was a element of pure creation, life and the eternal empress. She herself it is told taught the world how to use fire to cook its meals. So it was naturally the place where all the invention was pooled. And Blackeye himself was at the forefront of that research, supplying and paying for it out of his own pocket. This had lead to the creation of the black power musket, witch while inaccurate did back the punch needed to kill armoured battle formations. And of course that was just the beginning. Deep below the decks the musketeers where getting themselves ready guns loaded and cannons just hidden from view with the board sides closed. Blackeye himself was standing on Brilliant dawn with his pride shining like a beacon for the rest of the officers to follow. As he passed through these dangrous tides he expected the ''Azerans'' to launch a cowardly attack. That didn't happen. Instead they asked to inspect his ships, ships loaded with trade goods. [I]''Lord?''[/I] Blackeye thought for a moment.... [I]''Kill the engines...let them on board....''[/I] [I]''What?''[/I] [I]''What do we have to hide? Its trade goods fair and simple....get me the quartermaster of this ship''[/I] A short moment later the fleet stopped. Brilliant dawn stood in the front with Blackeye waiting patiently for the inspection.