"Thank you!" Alexis shouted, waving madly at the cabbie as he drove away. He adjusted his kit bag on his lap and spun his chair around to get a view of the school. 'Jesus, this place is huge!' He thought, pushing himself forward and onto the campus. He smiled at the kids as he rolled passed them, noting that a good portion of the students were just barely half his age. He chuckled, rolling haphazardly around and through groups of students. There were quite a few close calls as he made his way towards the dorm building, as per the instructions he received. Unfortunately, with the package describing what to do once he got here as well as the plane ticket, first class woohoo, was a certain watch that had proved to be nothing but annoying. Probably millions of dollars spent making a super advanced AI, and they couldn't make the damn thing actually helpful? Hell, Alexis didn't see why everyone needed one; it'd be easier to just- "I hate to be a bother, but we've almost arrived at our destination." "SHIT!" Alexis shouted, skidding to a stop just a few feet shy of slamming into another group of students. "Alright, I guess you're not entirely useless." "I aim to plea-." "Shhhhhh. That's enough. Sorry about that guys." Alexis greets the group he almost hit, then wheels around to a wall with a large holographic display. He whistles, waving his wrist across the wall. His schedule and various other helpful information begins downloading to his watch as he looks around at the other students, still finding himself to be the oldest among them by at least a decade. 'Well, might as well start getting social.' He thinks, wheeling back through the crowd and looking for someone interesting. It doesn't take him long; as he rolls by a woman seemingly having trouble with her smart watch, she poses a question to nobody specific. He stops, turning towards the woman. "I might be able to help. I can't stand the things, but I've messed with mine enough to get a pretty good idea of how they work." Alexis offers a hand towards her smart watch with a smile. "Although to be honest I was really just trying to get it to shut up."