With all three attacks landing square, SilverWolf took note of their attempt to retaliate; his tactical planning was cut short as he foresaw the impending assistance however. Having still been in motion, SIlverWolf quickly sidestepped. At the same time Wahaya jumped from the chest of the thug and dashed into the thick mist to avoid being seen. With a slight grin, appreciating the help from one of the more super-powered teammates, SilverWolf appraised the situation again. Something was off. It took him a moment to realize that Shade was still unaccounted for. By the time he had picked up the scent, it began to rain dampening his sense of smell somewhat. Fortunately, he no longer needed it, as the rain also outlined the missing villain perfectly. Shade also noticed the turning tide, and took off. SilverWolf wasted no time, sprinting after the now partially visible Shade. He was closing the distance, but not fast enough as he was headed into unknown territory and SilverWolf had the sense that he may be leading them into a trap. Seeing him approach a corner, which would briefly take him out of sight, SilverWolf took his last opportunity to let out a barrage of attacks. Drawing his tomahawk from his belt, he drew back and in a singular moment took aim at where he knew Shade would be. With great speed and rapidity, he sent the tomahawk flying followed closely by three knives, each whistling quietly as it sliced the air. He had aimed them all at the lower appendages, trying to avoid a casualty on his first league mission, knowing that it also meant a greater possibility of missing their targets. Once they were let loose he came sliding to a stop, spear in hand, and carefully observed both his target and his surroundings.