Darren continued to scavenge through the old abandoned vehicle that he was in. It’d been drenched in a rusty coat of orange and it looked like it had not been in use since before all of this began. However, Darren knew that when people are desperate they try to salvage whatever shelter they can find in this forsaken place and sometimes they like to use old vehicles as hideouts for a night or two. They may look abandoned but people sometimes accidentally leave important items in them. They either do this because their trying to get away from something quickly or their forgetful and stupid. Forgetful and stupid are two traits that’ll get you killed. With wild animals, crazy humans and unstable buildings, you can’t afford to be forgetful because things can go from a simple peaceful stroll to a bloody life-threatening kill zone within the blink of an eye. The vehicle was quiet bare anyway. It seems someone’s misfortune of dropping or forgetting an item will not transform into a salvageable fortune for Darren today. He gives a stressed out sigh and bangs the hood of the vehicle. He still doesn’t even know what the fuck he is still doing in this world. He doesn’t know if his goal of surviving is just instinct or for some higher purpose. It couldn’t have been some sort of higher purpose. He had it before all this. He had the sweetest little girl in the world, with eyes as blue as the clearest sky and cheeks as cute as a sweet Labrador puppy. He had finally managed to redeem himself from his criminal past but the key to living was stolen from him and he can’t do anything. His hands were placed on the hood with his head down in shame of himself. A tear rolls casually down his face. His daughter could be alive somewhere, suffering and he doesn’t even know. He hasn’t even been given the decency of seeing a fucking body! A shot is fired somewhere in the distance. His head popped back up like a prairie dog, facing the distance it was fired in. Birds flew away quickly, startled by the sound of the shot. Curiosity and instinct got the better of Darren and he started moving quickly in the direction of the noise. There could be a chance of more supplies in that direction or it could be The Children of God. Either way, he had too know, he’ll regret it if he doesn’t find out. Another major rule that Darren sticks by, take a chance now and again, no one lives a long life by playing it safe for too long. In this world now, everything you do is a risk. He kept slowly jogging towards the sound, keeping a safe pace while doing so. He looked behind him to make sure that there was nothing there but as he went too look forward, he is bumped back towards the ground by something felt like a bump. Darren is sat on the ground, almost stunned by whatever he bumped into. He then finally catches his wits and looks forward at whom or what nearly knocked him out. [b]_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/b] To his surprise, it was some girl that he bumped into. It was almost embarrassing for Darren because he’s usually so aware of his surroundings. In the many years since ‘The Apostate’ he has not once, accidentally bumped into someone in the middle of the forest. He then proceeded to stand up and adjust himself, making sure his items are still intact. The girl seemed to be still in a daze. She was blonde and looked to be in her 20s. She would have been very young when the whole event began. He just stood there looking at her. He never really cares for other survivors and he chooses not to help them really. Darren placed his other hand firmly on his axe, to get ready to swing it just in case she’s a “Child of God”. If she is one of them, then he can just kill her and take her shit but if not, then he’ll leave her be. He waits for her to reveal whether or not she is just another survivor or a crazy fucking “Child of God”.