"No thanks, I'm quite alright with tea, thank you." Aiko quickly responded to the offer of creamer once she heard the lady sigh. "I guess i'm like an orphan, I really just move on from town to town exploring the world as I go along...... And, I'm sorry, I wasn't gonna say anything but If I may ask, what are you working on? It looks sorta interesting. I can help if you like. I don't have any plans or anything." Aiko was shooting for a 'yes' as a response, though would be quite alright with a 'no.' It was about that time that the same waiter that asked Delilah for her order, came again to take Aiko's. Aiko quickly shifted attention to the waiter and before a word could come from his mouth, she quickly replied "I'll take a raspberry tea, thank you. Oh, and a chocolate chip cookie, if you have those." Astonished by the girl's straight forwardness, the waiter just nodded and left, taking the order. Aiko's attention flipped back to the coffee she still had in her hand and realized that is was about time she gave it back. There was one thing she did miss about the coffee, though, as it left her hands; it was warm and comforting. She placed the mug on the table in front of Delilah in the first clear spot she could manage to find. Free of all thought after dealing with the waiter, Aiko started to study Delilah. She was beautiful and pale, and she had a nice smile to her. But there was one thing about here that seemed different, though she couldn't tell what.