Kelis had been blinded by the sunlight as she had gotten closer to the door and before she knew it she felt an arm snake around her and like a slingshot, free them from the back of the armored car. It was lucky for her, she realized, that she had been liberated at that moment, because seconds later the thing exploded. She had ducked her head, wincing from the noise. Only once the wreckage landed did she get a chance to see her rescuer. A man wrapped head to toe in red and blue, a giant spider emblazoned upon his chest. Spider-Man...she had heard about him in the Fridge. Quite a few of the VIP's there knew the hero well, since he was the one who had landed them in there. They'd all talked about what a buzzing insect he had been, cracking jokes while he was whipping their butts. To Kelisandra, he sounded hilarious, and the sudden rush of recognition made her nervousness still...well for a moment at least. Kelisandra's eyes widened as she heard the orders from one of the other men who had been transporting her. They should have known an ambush would have been eminent, and it seemed like they hadn't been able to secure more back up. More gunfire broke out as two more black Humvee's filled with suited up HYDRA members arrived, but that was the last of the fray she saw as her injured hand was grabbed by Spider-Man and she was pulled along. [b] Ouch [/b] Pain was written on her face as she scrambled to run awkwardly beside the man, her hands still shackled. It was only then that she realized he was touching her and would have heard her pronouncement of pain. She bit her bottom lip as she quickly glanced to the man, that would be the least of her worries if they were caught by HYDRA. Rapid gunfire seemed to follow them and Kelisandra was just waiting for one of those bullets to hit home.