Wenchang listened attentively to Olympia's plan. The problem is that the hostages would start dying as soon as they tried anything. The idea to use precise electrical volts to disable the opponents was solid, however it relied on slow reactions of the villains. Like in chess Wenchang knew it was never a good idea to assume that your opponent will make a mistake when constructing your plan. "I like the plan but could we stall them. If possible we could reduce the risk by releasing agent 15 gas to knockout both the villains and hostages, or at least make them drowsy, should they have super human constitution. Also unconscious hostages were easier to handle than kicking and screaming ones." Wenchang was cool, calm and collected. In situations like this getting riled up and excited was dangerous and useless. Caring too much about the hostages would be a mistake, but at the same time counting on someone he didn't know to quickly disable multiple villains seemed risky to say the least.