Bert could not understand what Rose was so nervous about. After all, they were just talking. Then again, he did not know her father. "I'm Bertrum MacDonald, but you can call me Bert. I'm from a couple of counties over. I came to take my cousin Sally to the dance. As to talking to much, or talking out of turn, don't give it a second though. After all, I'm the one that spoke to you first." He touched her shoulder in reassurance. "Now did you want to stay out here awhile, or go back in and dance?" A tall, muscular fellow, wearing a white buttoned down shirt and blue jeans came out of the dance hall, to see someone hitting on his girlfriend. Whoever he was, he was obviously not a local. A local would have know to stay away from Bobby Lee's girl. "Hey there, get your hands off my girl." He growled, swinging a punch at the back of Bert's head. Bert heard him coming and managed to duck most of the blow, before turning around and holding up his hands. "Woe there big fella! I was just seeing if the young lady was alright." Bobby grunted and held his hands up in a fighting stance. "Bullshit, you was flirting with my Rose."