Kate put her flute down and ate silently. After she finished eating Kate washed her dishes and put them back then grabbed her bag. "Bye, I have to head off now." Kate said simply before adjusting her hat and heading out the door, her bag on her back. Kate began walking towards the hospital which was a long walk but she didn't want to drive or take a bus. She enjoyed walked and thats why she always left an hour before she had to be at the hospital for her volunteer work that has really turned into an internship and training. The doctors and nurses trust her and since she has been studying to be a doctor they sometimes have her take blood pressure or just help out with anything they need. Kate walked silently as she took in her surroundings, while also mentally doing a checklist in her head remembering if she had remembered to pack her scrubs into the bag which she luckily had. By then she was walking through the main part of town.