Good, so let's repost our character sheets? Here's mine: [hider=Takiko] Name: Takiko Gender: Female Age: 25 Height: 5'6" Appearance: Obviously carrying mostly japanese genes, Takiko has long, straight black hair, that she usually keeps in a messy bun, to keep it from dangling about and catching onto things or generally getting in her way. Her eyes are a dark, almost black, brown in a pretty face. She is of average height, with a delicate build and the constant diet now forced on her left her a little too skinny. Even though one would have to take a closer look to see it, she has some decent muscles, not bulky or anything, but firm. Her skin is light, a little rosy in color, though now usually dirty or hidden by her clothes. She wears well-worn, fitted jeans, that don't hinder her movements, held safely in place by a just as well-worn leater belt, a simple black tank-top -tucked inside the jeans-, a dark, wine-red, wide, hoodie zipped up overneath and, when it gets colder, a dark green cargo-jacket with lots of pockets that she keeps in her simple, black bagpack together with something to eat, drink and a few medical necessities she managed to accquire over time. Her footwear is a pair of worn brown boots, going up mid-calf and tightly laced with black laces in the front. She wears a pair of simple, silver-rimmed glasses, because of near-sightedness. [img=] Personality: +intelligent +level-headed & calm -stubborn +nice & compassionate Bio: Takiko started out studying medicine at Chicago University, where she had grown up and been all her live, because it had been her parents wish to stay close to home. It hadn't axactly been what she'd wanted though. Not the medicine part, she'd always been wanting to be a doctor, unlike her father who'd always wanted her to follow in his fottsteps as a lawyer. What she had been dreaming of ever since high school, had been to leave home. To try and live somewhere else. Not because she needed a fresh start or because she had no friends she would miss, no, she had plenty of the latter. But she had always viewed going to University as a different part of her life. The next step. And still living in Chicago felt like she hadn't moved on at all. As if she hadn't and wouldn't grow up beyond the young woman she was. So, after her second semester, she told her parents she would transfer elsewhere. And She did, despite their protests and their anger and the discussion it all evolved into. And while Takiko hadn't meant that move to seperate them in any way, it did. Because she had her parents stubborness. She came home on holidays, called at least twice a week, to assure them she was doing fine, but while she was aware they were appreciating all that, they couldn't bring themselves to completly forgive her for going against their wishes like that. It was stupid to fight over something like that, stupid to break off communication to a certain point, and Takiko had been sure, eventually, they'd give in and just be happy that she was happy. And the latter had just gradually been progressing in that direction, when the creature had started appearing and the virus spread, becoming uncontrollable. At that point, Takiko had been close to finishing her training at a hospital, so close to really being a doctor who deserved the title and not just some rookie-doctor-in-training. But she couldn't finish, of course. Not when, in a matter of days, the hospital was pretty much run over by the creatures after several patients had been brought in with some kind of infection noone could explain. Takiko was lucky to have made it out alive, she wasn't sure if any of her colleagues could say the same. Skills: +medical knowledge and training +fast runner, fit, good reflexes & fighting ability (thanks to daily jogs and a few martial arts classes) Other: +carries around two guns (one in her backpack and the other kept tucked in her waistband against the small of her back) and a sturdy cooking knife (about as long as her lower arm and stuck in a self-made sheath in her left boot) she picked up somewhere -directionally challenged -gets a little paranoid in the dark, not in the panicky, running-around-while-screaming-her-lungs-out kind of way, but in the heart-beating-so-loud-you-have-to-stop-and-make-an-effort-to-listen-every-few-feet kind of way ~left-handed[/hider]