Genesis was quite an unusual name, but then Shadrack was used to unusual names. Gypsy children were often saddled with weird monikers. He had a cousin named Jedi. He took the offered hand, noting how soft it was. This was obviously not a farm girl, since this hand had never seen a days work, judging from its lack of callouses. "I'm Shadrack, but call me Shad. Nice to meet you." He tried to ignore his mother, knowing she was probably giving him the look. It would be convenient if she was not here at all, but he was not so lucky. He released her hand and took another sip of his coffee. He bet she was a smoker at well, from the yellowing of her finger tips. He did not mind. His mother smoked a lot, and he smoked to be social, though never without a reason. It was not that he did not like cigarettes, but that he had never developed the addiction most people develop. He wondered if it had something to do with his wolf, because he did not seem to become addicted to anything he tried, and between his mother and her lovers, he had tried quite a bit. "Ya, I just pulled in last night." He did not add that he was lived in an RV, or that he lived with his mother. None of that seemed terribly important at the moment. "Got a place just out of town. Your a regular here?" If she was, he planned to be too.