[center][b]Eastern Watch Tower[/b][/center] Dread Fang balked initially when the bomb-tinkerer turned out to be an illusion, his claws sinking into nothing but cloth and wood. What sorcery was this? He retracted his bladed arms and stepped back, his thorax low to the ground, arms tucked close -- a defensive posture. He assessed the situation again, his head moving this way and that. The two crows were... half-orcs? As the illusion fell away, Dread Fang could sense their minds, like a veil being torn off. Very strange. But nevermind them; the big orc declared war and turned to face Zayne and the scarab. A much more immediate threat. Fortunately, Child came to their aid, the strange warrior throwing one of her weapons at the orc. Dread Fang seized the opportunity and pounced forward, his six legs propelling him forward. The orc was in a precarious position now, with a blade being tossed at him from one direction, and a predatory scarab lunging for him from another. Dread Fang wasn't sure whether his scything arms would be capable of punching through the orc's steel plate, but he had learned about armor during his time above ground. He aimed between the plates, hoping to sink his blades into the orc's chest where the cuirass met the pauldrons.