(Alright, I apologize for my long absence. Now that I'm on summer, I finally have time to do NOTHING. >:T) [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0u9Hs5fgzE]**Introduction Music**[/url] "... and FURTHER more, I believe this whole thing to be absolutely ridiculous! If they're getting in here for free BEYOND their wills, then where's the profit?! To run such an establishment without some sort of income would," From behind the desk, a hand raised past the large, turned chair in interruption. The sleeved hand flicked outward slightly, a cry of anger rising from it's owner. The masked creature witnessed this and grinned slightly. "Oh? You don't like me poking holes in your logic?" The hand calmly returned back behind leather wall as Mr. Carny's chair rocked back in forth in a fidgety way. This only aggravated Gondar's temper further, and with new found impatience came clenched fists. "... You're of the 'teaching the guilty lessons' scum aren't you?" A moment's silence was broken when Gondar's eyes gleamed with experience. "Look, it's been my profession to [i]hunt[/i] targets, not to keep them in line at a kiddie park... you bought me for the wrong reasons," the hunter, with a hint of frustration, shifted through his things for the contract. "but, you bought me..." The sound of a bell alerted the bounty hunter that people were approaching the gates of the carnival, and with unanswered questions he slid to the doors. "I just hope you can make good use of my... interests." (Everyone will start either making their way to the carnival gates, or waking up at the gates. I'm once again sorry for the wait, and I hope people are still interested in doing this.)