"Target on the move, moving to intercept!" With the unexpected flight of their target the drop ships wasted little time in reacting, reversing their thrusters as they spun and then flew off in hot pursuit, a simple task for the expert pilots working within the low gravity environment. They had accelerated almost another hundred feet into the air before Kanitah had started issuing challenges. Having no interest the unidentified humanoid. The ground team however, left behind as they were, quickly zeroed in on the only possible threat left to them to engage. Not a shot was fired yet of course, that is unless Kanitah attempted to follow the drop ships. Several had already begun to level their rail guns at him from their higher elevation, shouting warnings for Kanitah to identify himself and surrender, assuming he even understood their language after all. Cruising at an easy 150 kilometer per hour they easily caught up to the ice man even as he face planted in the dirt. As he sat up they had already armed weapons in preparation. Knocking their target away might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but really it hardly delayed the inevitable, with all three ships already airborne, Khold creating a cold spot clear as day to their sensors and the drop ships capable of VTOL it wasn't even difficult task to pursue their target. A nose mounted device from the lead drop ship barked as it fired a unusual missile, one invisible to the necked. A highly pressurized wave of sound burst forth in Khold's direction. But the ship was only now decelerating and combined with the pilot’s lack of experience operating in such an environment, the shot went wider overhead then planned. Striking and destroying a column of stone as the force caused it to topple over. By the time the drop ship arrested its momentum and charged it's weapon for another shot, this time right on target on the still prone man something unusual happened. The nose mounted cannon suddenly exploded in a burst of light and power creating a blinding flash of light for an instant before fading. The Drop ship swerved out of control for a moment as it spun away to its left, it's belly grinding against the tip of a large tower of rock. The other two drop ships had went wide, one going left the other right, as the sought to make as much distance between themselves and their fellow drop ship. Both had no idea what had happened, but only assumed that their target was to blame. Renewed volleys started blanketing the ground around Khold kicking up rocks and dirt. The sound waves easily reached beyond 240 dB, and while not deadly, would cause bone and joint damage to nausea and even visual damage with extended exposure leading to permanent auditory damage. However the momentary confusion caused earlier had given Khold just enough time to get to his feet, while a perceptive eye might have noticed a fast moving white arrow hit the first drop ships cannon moments before it exploded...