[img]http://i.imgur.com/4x7ExiI.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/aBIXoi8.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/9AVqdzv.png[/img] [b]Tagress Guild[/b] "Ooooh, a picnic!" Lisette clapped her hands in approval, already excited by the prospect of cartwheeling around on the grass and soaking up some nice, warm sunlight. Maybe she could even practice on the flowers again, and finally learn how to do something other than grow vines! Well, she didn't want to get too ahead of herself; after over three weeks of not using her nature magic, she was probably a little rusty despite Marcus's suggestion to train more often. “I also need to get a haircut!” Estelle yelled, lifting the messy bangs of her hair up. “Selan, would you be able to help me later? Please? Pretty pretty pleaaaase?” Selan laughed. "I would be happy to help, Estelle. You'll look very pretty with a short haircut," she said, looking over Estelle's choppy, uneven locks. It just needed a little cleaning up, that's all. “Where’s Big Bro gotten to, too? He’s been down lately, I’m sure he’d love this!” “Trent’s gone as well. But I’m sure they’re both alright.” Selan reached for a sip of her tea at the mention of Don and Trent's absence. It seemed more often than not that she was lamenting over that flighty man's whereabouts, and adding Trent to her worries wasn't exactly pleasant either. But Don could mostly take care of himself... She still didn't know how Trent had gotten so far away from home in the first place. It didn't seem like he had gone looking for them, and Marise hadn't mentioned tricking him the way she had Lisette, which made his disappearance all the more confusing. She simply hoped both would resurface at some point, as they tended to do.