Rose was shocked at the outcome of the fight, thinking that Bobby would win and let him live...... Well, maybe the let him live part was a little far fetched, but Bobby didn't win at all; Bert did! Rose smiled at her new suitor, or boyfriend, whatever you wanted to call him, and laughed behind her hand as she saw Bert's coat sleeve. "Don't worry, I've got a sewing needle and some thread that happens to match his suit coat! I can patch it up as easily as a man can patch up an automobile!" Rose said, taking Bert's arm in hers and looked him in the eyes, her eyes sparkling happily as they stared into his. "I'm ready to go when you are! But I must warn you, my dad isn't too fond of outsiders! And I don't think he'll be happy that we're together! But oh well! Doesn't matter anymore!" Rose said, grinning at him, her ruby red lips matching her hair as well as her dress while her emerald green eyes were a perfect contrast to the ruby color as well as her somewhat pale skin that seemed to glow in the moonlight. She was like a dream girl, but she was a real dream girl, and no one could argue with that.