After an unintentional break of sorts, which I apologize for, I’m ready to get this moving again. So I should be on and replying more for the next few days, perhaps not so much tomorrow as I have tentative plans, but otherwise I should be around more. ^^ I think a few more characters for the Carcino conflict would be nice. I’ll upload some ‘skeleton’ sheets for some of my characters now and the work on fleshing them out—it’ll at least help to give you an idea of what my characters are going to be like. One of them will be Rottek’s daughter. Since we don’t have a troubadour yet I was thinking of making her one of those, but we also need a thief so I could work with that too. I’m very much looking forward to seeing this General of yours, so hopefully it won’t be too long (although I don’t have a place to complain here). [i]Especially[/i] in this story I think having nobody soldiers makes sense. So yes, I think they should travel with some. But I also think we should make up an estimate for how many nobody soldiers there are (to help with battle situations and such).