[quote=Destinyfailhorror17] I still miss you and hope we can see you more soon OwO [/quote] Lol. Maybe. Alright, here's a small snippet of the character I'd been planning to introduce. [hider=Chris] [center] [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/23/69/36/236936dd6732cc3d0e6617617569762a.jpg] Christina Lifton 17 Female Siren (Voice Control) [b][u]Powers[/u][/b] [*][b][u]Voice of the Siren[/u][/b] - Chris is able to command people to do what she tells them. The target must be within ear shot and but be able to hear her clearly. The target also needs to unaware of what she is trying to do to them. If they know she is trying to command them, the spell is broken. She can, however, still affect people with her voice. With her words, she can inspire fear, courage, sadness, bliss, etc etc.[/*] [*][b][u]Second Form[/u][/b] - Chris has a second more... interesting form. With it, she grows fins, scales and the like, becoming one of the fabled [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs23/f/2007/342/5/2/Dark_Mermaid_by_Qvi.jpg]mermaids[/url] of the ocean. She retains no memories of her time spent like this and simply thinks she has been sleeping. In this form, her voice is much stronger and is not limited by the persons knowledge of the spell, that is, they can know exactly what she is doing and yet still be affected by it. This form is centuries old in myth and is known as the Man Stealer, the woman that steals men in the night.[/*] [b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b] Fire and Water. Chris hates both currently. Though water is a rather unfounded fear as she can't really ever drown. She has an intense fear of fire and oddly enough, females. She prefers hanging out with the guys and being treated like one. It would take a lot of warming up for her to feel comfortable around a female. In her second form, any form of light that is not moonlight will harm her and she will sink back into the depths of the ocean. Still, Chris finds herself in her own bed in the morning, unawares of what had happened the night before. Memory Loss. Chris retains no memories from her time in her second form. The only way she'd be able to is if she were aware and in control of the second form. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Happy and go-lucky, Chris doesn't care for much. She enjoys photography and being outdoors, especially out at the ocean. She find herself with a strange tie to it and often takes tons of picture of it. Though, oddly enough, she doesn't like going in the water. It's her dream to photograph the creatures of the ocean yet she's too afraid to even step foot in the waters. She will however, let her feet get wet on the beach. [b][u]Background[/u][/b] TBR [b][u]Important[/b][/u] Chris, every night when she goes to bed, wakes up and walks out to the water and gets in, transforming into her second form. In this form, a second personality emerges, the personality of the soul embodied in her, yet to be awaken. In truth, Chris is an age old Siren, reborn. She has yet to awaken completely and has been living the life of a simple girl. Her powers are only now showing in little ways. When she says something, people do weird things, they do exactly what she asked and they don't remember why. People just generally like her and do what she says. Once, she tested this and asked a boy to jump off of Crest Bluff for her. When he did, she vowed never to speak again. (None of the character will know this. So, roleplay them accordingly. I'm letting you know only because it has something to do with character interaction. ) [/center] [/hider]