-Character & Mobile Frame Sheet- [b]-Pilot-[/b] [b]Pilot Name:[/b] Ryan Shepard [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personal Info:[/b] Laid back, easy-going and friendly. Positive outlook and demeanour. Generally, a nice guy with strong principles and a firm moral compass. However, is vicious and ferocious against his enemies, and anyone who preys on the weakness and vulnerability of others. Doesn't brag about his accomplishments, and doesn't see himself as a hero or saviour of any kind, just someone doing what needs to be done, and should be done. Respects skill in others, and dismissive of bragging egotists. Has a great fondness for the music and culture of the late 20th century, and values time to relax and unwind. Enjoys casual drinking and likes to read. [B]Brief Bio:[/B] Ryan always had a tendency to look out for others, and a strong sense of moral justice, instilled in him since he was young. Always driven to stand up for himself and others, he often got in trouble for impulsive behaviour and a tendency toward using his fists and his mouth to call out others causing trouble, which left him shouldering much of the blame - although, those he helped out often paid him back in helping him out of it again. Despite this, he made strong friends and connections, and managed to remain unbroken and kept his spirit through his childhood and teenage years, even after his father was arrested for speaking out against unfair conditions and policies, and was arrested after intervening in the arrest of a protestor. With his family under the watchful eye of authorities, and his own life under scrutiny, Ryan left home and travelled around, working 'cash in hand' on numerous freighters and in ports. He picked up the skills of a Mobile Frame pilot during this time, and showed great aptitude for it. When the station he was working in was attacked by a raiding force, he managed to improvise a defence with a cargo-handling frame well enough to get noticed, and was given further tuition by a Merc pilot, before being recruited into the company he now works for. As such, he can be somewhat unorthodox in combat and unsure of himself, and has a rough edge to his piloting technique. However, he is eager to do well and learn. [b]Appearance:[/b] Ryan is around 5' 7" with a wiry build, more that or a runner or swimmer than of a soldier. He has a clean-cut and square-jawed appearance, with permanent 5 o'clock shadow. His eyes are green-brown and always seem to be bright with intelligence and focused on whatever subject is at hand. He has sandy-blond hair, which is short and a little messy. His physique otherwise is fairly compact and average, with no real scars and marks, beyond the normal accumulation of lifes' accidents and occurances. He does have a tribal-type tattoo down the left side of his neck, and onto his left arm. His clothing is the standard type of hard-wearing and practical fatigues or other clothing one would expect from Mercenary types. [B]Link to Theme Song:[/B] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lspjLG9nHXk]Jesus Built My Mobile Frame[/url] [b]Personal Emblem:[/b] [img]http://www.langara.bc.ca/news-and-events/langara-news/2011/images/falcon_web.jpg[/img] [b]-Mobile Frame-[/b] [b]Serial Number:[/b] GR-99 [b]Designation/Nickname:[/b] Gyrfalcon [b]Weaponry/Equipment:[/b] Multiple hardpoints for attachment of weapons or other mission equipment. Ryan's standard loadout consists of: [LIST] [*] Hand-held/shoulder mount 50mm cannon (select-fire, rocket-assisted projectiles, intermediate-range, high-power anti-armour weapon. High accuracy, low RoF, small magazine. Folds down to back when not in use, hand-grip to fire from right shoulder).[/*] [*] Shoulder-mounted 6-tube guided missile launcher [L Shoulder][/*] [*] arm-mounted 3-barrel 20mm rotary autocannon (rapid-fire general-purpose autocannon. Medium-range, high rate of fire, large drum magazine. Less armour penetration, good suppressive weapon)[/*] [*]Twin anti-infantry/anti-missile 5.56mm miniguns mounted on the head[/*] [/LIST] Other equipment includes search/spotlights, a rocket-propelled grapple/winch, chaff/flare decoy launchers, anti-infantry shrapnel dischargers in the lower legs, and a variety of sensor equipment appropriate to its' combat role. There are storage 'bins' in both lower legs for a moderate amount of survival, utility and personal equipment. [B]Appearance:[/B] Somewhere between the [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v172/OptimalMegatron/FMP/gernsback01.jpg]M-9 Gernsback[/url] and the [url=http://www.kirinhobby.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=1374]ARL-99 Helldiver,[/url] in terms of general feel and appearance. Lots of angular panels and plates, and a very militaristic feel. Almost like a modern-day fighter jet or armoured vehicle in terms of design cues and influences. Colour wise, the machine has a pattern not unlike [url=http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=72737&stc=1&d=1240119311]Berlin Brigade[/url] camouflage, with some red trim, and the appropriate warning labels and insignia. The colours are a little sooty and smeared from natural use and operation. [B]Other:[/B] This is Ryan's first personal combat Frame. It's not the most modern or front-line of machines, but has a respectable performance, and is more than adequate for someone like him, who is beginning their career as a combat pilot. The Gyrfalcon is a commonly found Mobile Frame, and is well known for reliability and simplicity, but not for its' advanced and hi-tech features.