[quote=TheBiddz] I mean, I can always introduce a new character to come liven it up [/quote] Preferably someone who wants to give her free armor that somehow fits her and wakes her up/heals her. Preferably. Edit: I do have a character I can say creates Evvie her armor using alchemy powers as a reward due to Evvie winning a riddle against her to the surprise of everyone. Evvie was too dumb to trick with the trick question. However, this character is not a character here so I'd need another explanation unless I add her as a minor character. Edit: Are djinn's naturally trivia buffs are was that just a quality of the djinn character that was in the multiverse a while back? If it was just a quality of that character I'd like to steal that idea...with permission, of course. :lol It's the most fitting way for Evvie to get armor for free from this alchemist character.